Friday 12 October 2012

103 Days...and nights!!

Well, well, well. I have been a very good girl. I have not had a cigarette for nearly 3.5 months. I stopped going to the meetings too about a month ago as I didn’t feel it necessary.

I haven’t written much as I sort of ran out of steam bitching and moaning about stuff and been pretty steady, if not even some days happy person, which has made a change from the first 6 weeks to people who have to deal with me in daily basis for sure.

The cravings still come and for me probably because I still use my VAPORATOR-R-R regularly. It is only once or twice a day, but still. I am sure that it is mostly just habit now, I have changed the liquid in it for the weakest possible so there isn’t that much nicotine in it, and occasionally here and there I will chew nicotine gum if I feel the need. Perhaps if I didn’t do either the cravings would be almost non existent.

I have this time gone past the quitting Champix bit and have not started smoking again, I had the last Champix maybe 3-4 weeks ago and feel fine without them.

Maybe this time I can actually stick with it, we have gone further than ever before. I am also going to gym 3 times a week and sweating like a fat bird in lycra does to keep the weight in check. At the moment I weigh exactly the same as I did when I quit smoking, so that’s GOOD. I did do low carb diet for 6 weeks but in the last week that has totally blown and have been eating normal again, this may be bad mistake, but find it difficult to be strict about everything. So right now I will stay strict about saying no to cigarettes and go to gym 3 x week and eat what I want. Will see what happens. My ass feels tight like stone from all the cycling and cross training so I feel happy at that :D

I have now saved £670,00 not smoking. I have none of that in my pocket but I have had nice meals out, Lovely carnival in London, I have new wellies and court shoes and winter boots, dogs are vaccinated, bills are up to date, and I am going to Dublin in 2 weeks. Most of which I would not have or done if I had carried on smoking. So YAY!

SO yeah I just wanted to pop in, check in and tell you that YES… I am still a non-smoker one day at the time who is no fatter than before and I seem happy, a lot more than before.

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