Sunday 19 May 2013

Bluesy Saturday

I was just waking up this morning from this glorious dream that I was smoking a cigarette, inhaling the whole of it very deeply into my lungs and I then experienced the head rush, the shrinking of the capillary veins and the very bazang *yes. Invented that word as I could not find a suitable one* of the thing that gets you hooked in the first place.

It was in 3D on extreme screen with smells and feel included.

So I got up, made a coffee,ate a yogurt with granola, looked out, it was grey, cold and pissing it down with some heavy rain kinda Saturday morning. So drank that coffee, got dressed in the full waterproofs and even pulled on the gloves. Yeah this is not what English summer normally is, normally we have had a like a week in April of nice weather when everyone things that summer is coming, without realizing that that was it, all of it. This year we haven't even had that.

As I am writing this it is nearly end of May, the temperature outside at right this given moment is +7c.

So I got wet, the dogs got wet, it was rather depressing. I decided that I need a nap with the dogs, after we all got dried up and cozy, quite literally 2 hours after waking up. Then we went and lost to Sweden on Ice-Hockey semi finals so that just made the day.

It got better from there, some friends over, dinner, and socializing, little Bday celebration, watching the Eurovision, yeah, sad but true. There was some real good ones, real crappy ones and lot of songs in-between  I have to say though that I was somewhat disappointed by the lack of crazy costumes and native singing this year. It was all rather normalish *yeah I invented that word too* Had some friends that watched it for the first time ever, they did not seem very impressed, in fact they got so drunk they had to head home before they even started counting the scores :) Good old crowd. Meantime I have a stalker that is ringing me every 10 minutes. Yep, not so great when you give your mobile number out to the wrong person. So yeah. It has been Saturday, I wonder what the Sunday brings along?

I did have friends that smoke over this evening but even though I had my vivid dream, it did not even occur to me once to go out into the rain with them to have a sig.

I guess that's somethang.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Hockey Fever- Kiekkokuume @ 5 months/kk

It is once again the time to the Ice Hockey world championships and today it is Finland Vs Russia. I am on a high as the current score is in Finland's favor by 3-1. This is pretty orgasmic score for any Finland hockey fan as the neighbour's in red are pretty damn hardcore competition by any standards. Only things that could top beating Russia in any match is beating Sweden, now that is the multiple orgasm kinda stuff (if you are a man we do realise that you might not be aware of the concept, however it does not mean that it does not exist). But as for hockey even the mini orgasm that you get by beating say the likes of USA, Canada or Austria makes me happy, like the Tesco folk say, every little helps :D

On jälleen jääkiekon maailmanestaruus pelien aika ja tänään se on Venäjä vastaan Suomi. On aika korkeat fiilikset koska suomi on johdossa 3-1. Tämä on aika orgasminen maalitilanne siihen nähden että odotin selkäsaunaa. Tosin se ei orgasmisuudellaan kuitenkaan vedä aivan vertoja Ruotsin päihittämiselle joka on taasen omassa luokassaan monikertaisen orgasmin paikka (Jos olet miespuolinen blogin lukija niin voi olla että tämä on sinulle outo käsite, se ei kuitenkaan tarkota sitä että sitä ei olisi olemassa)
Mutta jääkiekossa jopa mini-orgasmi on varsin loistava saavutus ja sellaisen usein saa jos suomi päihittää sanotaanko nyt vaikka USA:n, Kanadan tai Itävallan. Täällä englannissa on supermarketti jonka mainos slogan on 'Kaikki pieni auttaa', koen sen olevan sopiva myös kiekon pelien hurman mitoittamiseen.

While I was on that hockey mode and continued watching the game, Finland did win indeed by 3-2 and it was one of those old fashioned 'on the edge of your seat till the end'  matches, although I would like to refresh that old saying to something more appropriate like 'palms bleeding from fingernail pressing and wiping sweat from the brow with bleeding hand' kind of games after which you look like you are the 3rd rate horror movie star after filming hours at the site where there was no showers on the dressing room.

Tässä välissä olin kiekon hurmoksessa ja suomi todellakin päihitti Venäjän ja matsi oli todellakin vanhanaikaisesti sanoen 'tuolin reunalla' meinigillä ihan loppuun asti. Tosin haluaisin muuttaa tuon vanhanaikaisen englantilaisen sanonnan uudempaan esimerkiksiki: 'Kämmenet verellä kynsien jäljistä ja pyyhkien hikeä otsalta niillä verisillä käsillä' meiningiksi jonka jälkeen näytät 3. luokan pelottavan filmin staralta joka on palkattu niin halvalla että pukuhuoneessa ei ole edes suihkua.

Now I realize that I have a great many people from around the globe reading this blog, should you feel offended by any of the comments, please do remember it is only a game and that I am only like this once a year and I don't mean to be nasty at all. Should you still feel the need to have your say, please feel free to comment with any profanity you feel appropriate to the situation. I might not reply but I will try to feel your pain.

Ymmärrän että blogiani lukee yllättävän laaja yleisö maailmalta joka pitää sisällään esim venäläisiä ja amerikkalaisia ja jos heistä kukaan tuntee että olen loukannut heidön fiiliksiään jollakin kirjoituksellani niin pyydän anteeksi jo etukäteen ja olen tälläinen vain kerran vuodessa eikä tarkoitus ole loukata. Se on vaan peliä ja jos haluat sanoa suusi puhtaaksi asiasta niin voit aina kommentoida mahdollisimman monin kirosanoin blogi kommenteissa. Lupaan koittaa tuntea kipusi jos sattuu että en jaksa vastata.

SOOO...smoking. Yep, it has now been 21 weeks which makes it 5 months without a cigarette. It is quite literally AMAZING that I have got this far. Farthest ever. No aids now for ages, just me. I get urge once a day now. Not much more than that. But when I am out it can be tricky, sometimes it does not bother me at all or like last weekend it bothered me some. It was girls night out and considering that 5 people out of our group of 6 had recently quit smoking, I was the only one who did not have a smoke that night. Was a bit touch and go around midnight when they all huddled around a round table for one and for the first and only time I removed myself out of the occasion as I realised I would otherwise fall. This was pretty wise decision as I got chatted up by someone who wanted to take me out to wine and dine me at a convenient time. So it was worth it, and yes the dinner in fact did happen already last Tuesday and he seems a nice person so there may be a second date at some point. Who knows.

Niin JOOO. Tupakka. 21 viikkoa, 5 kuukautta ilman tupakkaa. Tämä on aivan USKOMATONTA. Enemmän kuin koskaan ennen. Vähän mä oon Rockstar! Ilman mitään apuja tässä vaiheessa, vain minä ja itsetahtoni. Himo iskee kerran päivässä nykyisin. Mutta ei onneksi useammin. Kun olen ulkona niin se voi olla haastavaa, kuten totesin viime viikonloppuna tyttöjen iltana. Meidän 6 porukasta viisi ihmisiä oli lopettanut polttamisen tänä vuonna. Minä olin ainoa tuosta ryhmästä joka ei illan aikana polttanut savuakaan (oon niin ylpee ittestäni ettette uskokkaan, se vaati KAIKEN). Puolenyön aikaan oli hiukan kriittinen tilanne ja jostain syystä hoksasin sen ja pyysin anteeksi ja siirryin sisätiloihin tyttöjen seurasta jotka kaikki polttivat ulkona, Tämä johti siihen että eräs herrasmies juttutti minua kun olin itsekseni ja halusi viedä minut treffeille. Treffit tapahtuivat jo, menimme kiinalaiselle aterialle tällä viikolla ja tutustuimme toisiimme hiukan, voi olla varsin mahdollista että tästä seuraa toiset treffit. Eli joskus jostakin kieltäytyminen johtaa johonkin kivaan asiaan.

As for the rest of the dating stuff, please just don't even get me started, it is a game that I am pretty much starting to give up now as it seems totally pointless exercise going on any dates from the net anyhow.  And that incident from last weekend just proved that yes it is in fact possible to meet someone randomly at a bar and end up having a date with them. One just must make sure that one goes out on girls nights out more often.

Loput näistä treffailu asioista on niin toivottomia että olis taas aika monta tarinaa kerrottavana mutta en edes jaksa masentaa itseäni niillä. Suurin osa on aivan toivottomia tapauksia eikä siinä touhussa ole edes järkee mutta tuo viime viikonlopun tapahtuma todisti mulle sen, että on siis yhä tänä päivänä mahdollista tavata joku ihminen ihan tavallisilla metodeilla eli menemällä tyttöjen kans ulos, Ehkä mun pitää mennä ulos huomattavasti useammin!

Music this evening- Illan musa: The golden 80's (Big in Japan, Forever Young, Manic Mondays, Rock Me Amadeus, Kyrie,Eye of the Tiger, It's a sin, that sort of stuff) followed by a very good dose of Rammstein to balance it all out!
Mood-Mieliala: Upbeat after a nice message that was unexpected- Hyvä arvaamattoman viestin jälkeen
Food: Chilli with new potatoes and triple chocolate muffin for pudding (mwaaaah) Tulista chilliä uusilla perunoilla ja kolmois suklaa muffinssi jälkkäriksi (semmosia ei edes taida olla on suklaa kuolema)
Cigarettes- Tupakkaa: 0
Cigarette related thoughts today- Tupakkaan liittyviä ajatuksia: 1
Fatness factor- Lihavuus mittari: (this is new, it is how fat do I feel on scale of 0-10, eli nollasta kymppiin mun omat fiilikset asiasta)) today that is 7.5 tänään tuon verran. Mjeh. Määh.

Have a fantastic weekend you all! Oikein mahtavan loistavaa viikonloppua teille kaikille