Tuesday 22 January 2013

Let it snow!

I have the first snowday at home for years, it snowed about 20cm last night but being a trooper out I went and although it took me half hour to get off my road, I managed to get going, just to be called by my boss to say not to bother as most people weren't going to get in. So I turned around, went back to bed for couple of hours and then decided to update the blog whilst sipping my 3rd cup of coffee.

I love snowdays! I think I will be heading out with the dogs soon to go and play a bit in it! It is funny that even though I am from Finland and have seen plenty of snow in my life, it still cheers me up seeing loads of the white stuff.  It would be unheard of in Finland not to get to work due to it of course, but I am in England and here it just brings things to a halt. Today since I am not stuck in traffic in it, I really don't mind!

It was five weeks since I quit smoking now. I still struggle, like this morning could really have done with a cig. It tends to be once or twice a day now that it crosses my mind. I am now wondering if that will be the case for the rest of my life. I sure hope not.

Other than that there is not much interesting going on, life seems to roll from one day to another, I am loving having my sister around but she will soon be moving out and I will be seeing much less of her,but at least she will be in the same country which is a bonus.  I will be looking for yet another lodger.

I am thinking about deleting all my online dating details, I am fed up with it all so that might be the right direction to go, forget about finding anyone. If it is meant to happen, I am sure it will in some other way.

It is now evening...I still want a cigarette. But I am not going to have one today.
Hope you all have a great week!
Ta Taa!


  1. Aw hun, well done on not giving in to those evil ciggies! I can asure u that one day u will suddenly realise that u have gone a few days or weeks without even thinking about them! I didn't get a snow day as I managed to get into work so was extremely envious of all u that we're playing out in it! :( think u are also doing the right thing in givin up on the dating websites ... As u know I am a strong believer in what will be will b. u are s lovely lady and I'm sure u will one day meet your prince charming! Good luck hun xx

  2. I think the funniest bit is that your boss called you as being a Finn you would have made it to work :D :D Love the pics of the doggies in the snow. And I have full confidence in you, quittingwise. BTW - I also started to write in English as well for my buddy in California so don't wonder if you happen to visit my blog. Hugs, Tuija

  3. Aww... Sweety, I promise we will still be seeing each other more than enough. :)
    You've done better than well with the quitting! And been such a good spirit with all! Specially as I bet it hasn't exactly been the easiest two months in your life. <3 Puss och kräm

  4. Hi Miia, I enjoy reading your blog as you know; you always manage to say at least something funny in the face of the everyday grind.

    Sorry to hear about the dating thing - maybe the guy lost his voice or got abnesia or something. Anyway, you can do better than someone who carries on like that.

    The older I get the more I realise that love really does look with the mind rather than the eyes. You are pretty anyway, regardless of what you say about your weight.

    can't seem to find you on FB? Is it Amaris?


Please say hello, my ego really really likes it!