Saturday 3 July 2010


I am so bloody bored I don't know what to do with myself. I have now been sat at home for 72 hours, I have watched approximately 30 hours of TV, countless hours of computer screen, and fair amount of the ceiling.
When you get to this level of boredom, nothng even interests you anymore. I have come up with 20 things to do today and dismissed each one of them as can't be bothered. Thus deepening the boredom.

Anyway, just had to have a moan.

Last night in bed I remebered what I asked my recovery nurse in hospital, after ripping the tube out of my throat and demanding more painkillers, I asked if I had done any embarassing bodily functions during the surgery. She said it didn't matter even if I had. I explained to her that it would highly amuse my blog readers if I had, but she still refused to tell me. I forgot all about this in the past couple of days, it just suddenly came back to me at 00:45 last night. I wonder how many people would ask that? Did I fart? Did it smell? Hehe.
I must be mad as a hatter.

This morning as I was taking my Champix, I realised I had forgot to go and get my next prescription yesterday. Profuse swearing followed. This means I will be without Champix all day Monday before I can get the prescription Monday afternoon after work. NOT GOOD! So I can foresee a delightfull Monday at work. Feel sorry for my workmates already.

I tell you what as well, in the past when I have been to my dentist, he has always been surprised that I don't have gum infection or receeding gums due to my smoking. Well guess what, I quit smoking and I now have gum infection, it started 7 days after I quit. It really hurts, I am flossing, rinsing, brushing and adding tea tree to my gums and trying everything I possibly can to make it go away. But so far nothing is helping.
Pissed off.

And last night I noticed I am getting a pimple. Guess where. In my eyelid. I mean who gets a pimple in their eyelid???? That is just abnormal! Must be to do with this quitting smoking again, the 'poisons' are choosing the most interesting places to remove themselves out of my body. I wonder what is next...????

Yesterday, due to being bored all I did was eat. And eat. And eat. I can see where this is going. And since I am so bloody bored today, that is probably all I am gonna do today. That is if my gums allow it. (still pissed off)

So today I am bored, pissed off, depressed, annoyed. But right this moment in time, I don't want a cigarette.
I guess that is something?

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