Thursday 10 February 2011


Oh that went well, lasted about 3 days and back smoking again.

I think it is pointless writing this blog anymore. I can't seem to do anything but fail.
Perhaps pain from the surgery and the diet I started is a big enough chunk for me at this moment in time.
SO for now I am giving up the giving up.

Epic fail, the nicotine WINS.
Miia 0- Nicotine 3

I think I took too big of a bite to eat and maybe I need to mentally be in a better place to succeed.
Very pissed of with myself and disapointed.

I am useless, hopeless, stupid and pathetic.


  1. Grrrrrr!!!


  2. dont be too hard on yourself you have just tried doing too many things at once get over the surgery get comfortable with the diet then try again to stop smoking all the best x x

  3. Is the diet working tho? :D Don't worry about the smoking sis, I'm very proud of you already!


Please say hello, my ego really really likes it!