Tuesday 18 December 2012

Day 5 -Rollercoaster Life

I am alive, and have not had a cigarette for five days. That's about as much as I can say really.

I keep having really annoying things happen but that has not broken me yet. Like breaking the screen on my mobile on Friday and then finding out it would cost £150 to repair as this particular model, you can't just change the glass, but the whole 3 levels of LCD and amoled and glass. Or like today when I found out that my first paycheck from my new job will be 6 weeks from now and somehow I need to celebrate Xmas with half months wage that won't even pay all the bills for this month, never mind Xmas food or fun. Or things like eating some food or buying fuel to get to work in the month of January.Or the washing machine leaking from somewhere inside and really should be replaced before I get the new floor fitted this week, which of course is impossibility if you refer back to the above. Or me being a numpty and cutting a toenail too short and bleeding all over a cream rug.

However, all is not doom and gloom. Yesterday we had a lovely walk at Ogden water with my sister and her boyfriend and the dogs, followed by a very nice pub meal in a true gem of a place that we just discovered. And my meal was paid for (Thank you!!) Saturday was pretty good day too, got my laminate bought for the floor, with the price of the kitchen for both rooms, living room and kitchen. Have a chap coming to get started with it Wednesday, which means I will have a floor before our visitors from Finland arrive on Friday. I also now have a leak free bathroom, thanks to my sisters boyfriends days of tinkering with it and doing it like it should have been done in the first place. (Thank you!!!)

I also decided to give whole bunch of grief to my insurance company who in their infinite wisdom decided that they would delay things for me (water damage, no floor issue for those who don't know) and ask for yet another quote and thus delay the new floor until new year and on the phone I went. Somehow, even though nicotine deprived, I did not shout or scream or demand to speak to the manager but I gave little old Richard on the end of the phone run for his money and pointed out very clearly their errors and after him going away for few minutes to think about me, my arguments and reasoning's, he met me half way and agreed a sum majority of the repair and arranged to raise a cheque for it. Hence I was able to get things organised to ensure they get done for Xmas. This happened on day 2 and if this had been the first or second attempt to quit smoking and the same situation came along, I would have probably first screamed red faced and then thrown my phone at the wall or window, and promptly walked to the shop and bought some cigs. So not bad going really for a Day 2.

I started my new job today. Good news is that nobody in my new team smokes. I know as I have superhuman sense of smell again for the next few weeks. In fact I recon for a big place like it is, I only smelled smoke on 1 person today which is pretty damn impressive. Of course there is more than that but at least I won't be smelling the temptation very often. I have read every single thing about every procedure and policy and rule and thing that they ever came up with, I have also studied fire safety, manual handling and economical working positions today and taken a test on all three and passed of course. (can't help being awesome...pmsl) They expected me to take day and a half doing this, so when I popped in and announced that I had done it all, read it all, some jaws dropped. One reads very fast when when one likes reading on ones free time.  Now we are back to the downfalls of superhuman sense of smell, like the bad breaths, sweat and farts. I smell all of them and I am convinced that I stink, today although I had sprayed myself with half bottle of deodorant and other half bottle of perfume, I am sure everyone within 5 metre radius could smell my sweat. Sweat of the stress of a new job and environment and the day five of 4000 chemicals pouring out of my pores trying to escape my body that is desperately trying to clean itself up yet again.

Anyhow this has been one really stupid crazy month in every single way. Like a roller coaster ride that you don't know if you liked or not, but it sure took up a whole lot of your adrenaline.

They call it life.

There is a saying....Life is like a roller coaster, it has it's ups and downs but it is up to you if you scream or enjoy the ride.

I am really, really, really trying to enjoy the ride.

Right now I could murder for a cigarette, but in word of Michael from the smokers group...I am a smoker, but I choose not to have one today.

I have made many bad choices in my life, this time, for once I am trying to make the right choice one last time.

Have a great week ya all that happen to be reading x


  1. After all that I think we should now refer to you as Wonder Woman!! Well done Hun. Glad to hear you're 1st day at your new job went well. T xx

  2. Merry Christmas! Have a nice day and hope you enjoy the festivity.

    How's the new job going? You must have been pretty disillusioned with your other job to move after so many years of working there.

    Apologies for not setting up a FB account yet. I'll mail you as soon as it's been done then we can have a chat. Please feel free to phone or text if you like.

    Have a nice party!

  3. I like the way you write. Keep it up!! I am on day 10 of my quit. It would be nice to hear about how your quit is progressing.

  4. Thanks! I will try and keep writing!


Please say hello, my ego really really likes it!