Sunday 24 October 2010


I didn't think I would really ever be saying this, but I didn't think about cigarettes at all today until about 7pm.
All day! Wow!! (quite surreal to realise that too)

As to otherwise the World of Miia, I was up quite late last night and for first time in ages only got 5 hours sleep before work. I nearly could not cope, I was finding it hard to operate and even string a decent sentence together. I have no one but myself to blame of course. But I wish and hope that after my upcoming surgery and the oral appliance therapy design of the appliance for me will work. Would be nice just every now and then to be able to sleep for 5 hours and feel just a tad tired like normal people. So I gets home from work at half past midday and I go directly to bed and sleep for 5 hours. Ah well, that's Saturday over and done with then! (shit really isn't it!) And guess what...I still feel exhausted! I was supposed to do a bit of cleaning and weekly food shopping and laundry...all this stuff that one catches up at a weekend. *Sigh*

I have decided that rather than catching up with it tomorrow and spending my entire Sunday doing all that boring stuff, I am not going to! I am going out for a long walk on the hills with the dog and have a relaxing day and leave all that crap undone and have take-away and worry about it some other bloody day, weekend or whatever.
Just totally can't be arsed weekend. Blokes get to have them all the time. Now I am having one! Tired of being organised and responsible (ish).

Now I am reading back and wondering what on earth was the point of this post. Absolutely pointless. Might as well shut up.I am going back to bed.


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