Monday 4 October 2010

FreewayCER and willpower

Two days of intensive training and teaching is now completed, as per usual, I feel tired but energised which sounds weird but it is such a buzz to get the reactions I get from people when they cure problems that may have bothered them for years and to which nothing has worked at all. We always start with the sceptism; if this really is as good as it has been said it is, it would be incredible. And by the end of the 2 days, I have a group of people who are amazed, blabergasted and in complete awe of the profound healing and effects that have taken place. They leave with the total inspiration to go and help and try this on everything and everyone. Heal the pains, emotional or physical. Truly 'Heal the world' feelings all around.

The most profound case thsi weekend was a lady who had had serious arm pain for 20 years, she has seen every specialist, she has tried every tablet, cream and physio the doctors have been able to give her, she has tried number of alternative therapies and she was facing a very stark reality that she may have to retire from work as the pain was causing so much problems in her life that if was making her work increasingly difficult. 

Her pain was taken away COMPLETELY in 25 minutes, even the painkillers have never been able to mask the pain completely, ever.

Imgine her reaction? To have such a problem in her life removed? There is nothing that compares to something like that. When she left she said to me 'Thank you for changing the rest of my life, and my entire family's future'  Those kind of comments are the reason why I teach FreewayCER Meridian Energy Therapy. It quite literally can change peoples lives.

But back to the topic of the blog, smoking. I had a struggle on Friday when I was flying to Finland and ended up bumming a ciragette. There is something about airports and flying that seemed to have that trigger that was impossible to say no to. I was proud of myself tho for the fact that I did not buy 10 cigs, I considered it, stood outside the shop and then though if I need one, I should have to go through the shame of bumming it from a complete stranger. So I did, so ended up chatting away to this bloke outside that I bummed it from and as per usual airport talk, we ask where one is going to. Turns out same flight, same destination. So he was finnish. We promptly changed the lanuguage to finnish and he said, why didn't you just ask me in finnish. As if I have built in recognition software that instantly alerts me to a finnish person! LOL. On thinking about it, maybe this finnish person looked least scary and intimidating to go and ask for a cigarette from.

So after this fall from my pedastal, I have not had any cigs yesterday or today.

I have wanted one quite desperately a number of times, although I find when I am teaching and using the various FreewayCER techniques, I don't even remember smoking. Still seems the after eating a meal is most difficult time.

So overall, still fighting, one cigarette at a time.

Right now I am sat in a very comfortable chair at my sisters new pad, there is lots of organising going on and it has been rather amusing to watch 3 people making some pictures out of board and flowery fabric. We have 2 women; laboratory technician and occupational therapist and then we have a male who is structual engineer. And everyone knows the best. However, after giving the engineer whole load of grief, the ladies made the decions, but he had to do all the work.  I can be proud of us ladies again;  after giving him all the grief and winding him up, when he made it all work, they were full of praise for him, thus securing future helping hand from him. Damn we women are clever at times :D 

On this note it is time to go for a meal at Rio Grande tex mex restaurant with my brother, since I can't smoke, at least I am eating very well :) 

And I really ythink if I had had an ashtray like this, it would have been a good thing :D


  1. Any amount of cigarettes less than before is a good thing. Keep up the good work. You may even meet your eligable bachelor blagging ciggies.... (see last blog - Bridget Jones)

  2. Very true, however there is a slight fault with this plan, I would then get a man who is a smoker and this could hinder my success in staying a non-smoker.
    But it has meant that I have chatted up complete strangers in two countries now. LOL.


  3. Ahha, but most smokers know it is bad for them and actually want to give up - so you would probably have a partner to quit with (men will do anything in those first few weeks) and the fact you would be "getting some" may improve your general state of mind. Just don't have a smoke after!!

  4. hmm, getting some...yes that would make a huge difference. Forgot what that is like :D


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