Thursday 30 September 2010

Oh...sunny happy day!...what is going on???

OMG. This morning upon opening my crusted eyes my first thought was not cigarette, it was 'oh crap, forgot to buy milk, no coffee and cereal for me then' I promtly dashed to see if lodger had come in from nightshift and found he hadn't and texted him with furious speed to ask him to bring some in. And I got the message off at perfect time 

My morning peace was restored. All this meant that I didn't really think about smoking, and to be totally honest didn't even fancy one. (Hallejuja, it's a miracle on 3rd day!)

After yesterdays morbid depression, I was full of energy and on a good mood (yes I know, scary that!!). As I drove to work there was a gorgeous sunrise over the hills and that made me actually sing along to some upbeat music in the car on my way to work (to the horror of local wildlife). I am not sure if hell has frozen over or if I have suddenly jumped to alternate universe of happy Miia, but right this moment I really don't care. This could be just one of those very fastly fleeting moments so I am going to bask in it as long as it lasts. I am sure I will be back to frustrations, andgryness and morbid moping in no time!

Today also marks the day when smokers really stink, my sense of smell is very heightened and my god do the smokers really stink badly. To add to that I am amazed at how many people stink of all sorts of unpleasant other odours too. Yak.

I really, really, really want to succeed this time, I don't want to stink like that, I do want to stay healthy(ish) and I do not want to spend my hard earned money anymore buying cigs. I have calculated that I have so far in my life spent around 30,000 pounds on fags. Imagine all the things one could have done with that kinda money??????

Holidays in the caribean, trip to outer space...that kinda thing. HA!

As the day progressed, I pretty much have stayed on good mood. Apart from noticing one of my customers and one of my engineers calling me babes, which seems to be getting on my nerves more and more each time they say it. Why? I have no idea. Maybe I don't feel babeish? So I am plotting suitable revenge, thinking of lovely pet names I could call these 2 persons. I will report back as soon as I come up with a good one. (any suggestion will be gratefully received) I am also apprently an absolute diamond :) Now THAT I can live with!!!

Hmm, would lovieee work...cheez that sounds so sickly tho, I would puke up while saying it. Must think harder.

So this concludes todays blog entry, I will leave you all with one last line:

"You know, lady, you don't actually smoke. The cigarette does all the smoking, you are just the sucker!"

Yep, that's about right!

Oh and I have added facebook share button, can someone please press it so the score does not look quite so pathetic? 

Now, ssince is past 8pm I think I should maybe pack, since I am going tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Glad it's a bit easier today.
    Have a good trip


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