Monday 2 July 2012

Day 1

Sunday 14:28
Somewhere around 2 am last night I decided to have my last cigarette and since I had 6 left in the packet, I decided to write on them and have them as my emergency stash. Probably not wise but I was not able to throw them in a bin.
It is now 12.5 hours since I had my last cigarette, but I have only been awake for just over and hour so I am sure there is some interesting times ahead for the day.

I know I should be keeping busy today, but after being a very busy bee yesterday and having some wine last night, I feel shattered. I did sleep for 11 hours so really should be full of beans but not the case.

I have decided that if I manage smokefree for a month, I will get myself Samsung Galaxy s3. I need a nice goal and I really want one of those!

14:57 vacuumed downstairs. Bored and want a cigarette.

15:34 did 100 abdominal cruches and messed about with dumb bells. Bored.

16:10 Had dinner, still want a cigarette. Jesus this day is taking forever! Good thing I am going to work tomorrow, and I hope it will be busy so I can just get my head down and work through. I am hoping that I dont get the usual throwing up and trots of day 2, since that could be teeny weeny bit challenging at work!

18:50 Very very nearly caved in. Been telling myself that maybe the process would be easier if I had just one cigarette a day for few days. Thats the addiction talking. Did FreewayCER tapping, that made it pass for now. Watched Horrible Bosses movie and didn't think much of it, in fact the little bloke whining was really getting on my nerves LOL
Walked the dogs as well, that was ok, only time today when I wasnt thinking about fags. I am thinking another movie and then take-away. And then bed and end to this stupidly long day. Altho I have only been awake 6 hours, would prefer to put the whole day behind me already!

21:05 Second movie watched, take-away demolished. I think I am gonna go to be cause otherwise I will end up smoking one.

Good Nite x

Cigarettes 0
Wine 0
Dates 0
Music 0
Movies: Horrible Boss and Four Lions, both rubbish.
Excersise: 2 walks, abs and arms given workout.
Gosh what a boring life I live!


  1. Well Done Miia for getting through day 1 ��

  2. WOW! Knowing what you're feeling, just WOW!

  3. Thanks hun, yep WOW, upsee, downeee. I tell you...I wonder what tomorrow brings? *waiting in NON-anticipation LOL*


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