Sunday 22 July 2012

Still Day 21- The Travellers Edition

So yeah, that's the cute nail stuff all over and done with. Now I need to unload. Fuck me it has been hard last 36 hours. I have wanted a cigarette all the time. Continuously. I have had pretty intense days at work and also is the dreaded time of the month but still I was thinking that by the time you get to 3 weeks all should be a toddle. It's fecking not.

(Writers note: changes chill out collection music to heavy rock in midst of writing)

WHY, WHY...OH WHY???? Is this so damn hard. Only thing I am impressed about today is the fact that I have not had a cigarette. And I am likely not to have one as every single establishment is closed right now which is a good thing.

I have been keeping myself ridiculously busy just to keep mind off the smoking, I am on the go from 6 am like a Duracell bunny and don't stop until I drop and have some wine or fall asleep.

That seems to be the only way I can cope with it just now. The stress levels at work are the highest I have EVER experienced so in one way I am doing one fecking amazing job still not smoking.

I was SO cranky this morning and when my Saturday morning at work turned to hell instead of a nice calm time to catch up with paperwork, I was little unpleasant with the last customer and I am afraid there will be manager wanting to speak to me come Monday morning but really, I invite them to chew my ass off just so that I can finally let a few home truths out that they should be hearing, the whole place is falling apart and they aren't even realising how badly.

So I drive towards Halifax like Kimi Raikkonen much to some Saturday drivers annoyance. I dashes off to the pet food store to get 3 weeks supply on dog food and tries to find flea and mite treatment for dogs, they only had bad looking stuff so off I went to another pet store. They had lot's of stuff but real expensivee. So then I drove to my vets. Got worming and flee treatment for both and nearly fainted when she told me it was £70( Should have gone for the stuff I THOUGHT was expensive...Cheezuz). Anyhow got it and treated both. Then spent 2 hours brushing them both and then going over inch by inch on a nit comb, just to be sure. Poppy had loads, Faith had none, yet Faith is scratching like no tomorrow and has dandruff..  Then made all sorts of aromatherapy oil mixes and sprayed the entire house and the dogs. Then cooked, then did nails, then did laundry. Then sat down on this computer and opened a bottle of wine.

I WANT A CIG so bad. It is not humanly possible to keep myself any busier than I am. I have not watched tv hardly at all in the past 3 weeks, apart from 1 episode of gypsy weddings and one on embarrassing bodies. That's 2 hours of telly in 21 days. Pretty god damn amazing. But if I did I would be bored as I am not DOING anything and go off to the shop on an advert break to get fags.

So if I am not physically busy I need to be mentally occupied, hence this silly blog. Distracts me for a while.

Oh and between doing my nails and waiting for each layer to dry I was dancing like that chick in Flashdance. I figured that might count as exercise. I was panting my much cleaner lungs off after so maybe that was a good thing.

Thank god for the electronic cig, If I didn't have that we would be gone to the smoking land, Champix or no Champix. Last 36 hours it has not been  satisfying as I want the real deal. But it is the thing that gets me NOT to go to the shop and buy some.

And I can confirm that mixed fruit flavour is ok, apple is shit and vanilla is still great. But that's all a case of personal preference.and matter of taste. I think I need to get the whiskey or rum flavour for weekends. LOL.

~Nail Break~

Tried nail art on toes, didn't look too good. Painted them all purple. Fuck it.
*That only killed 10 minutes* ~Sigh~

I could really be packing since I am going in 72 hours but I can't seem to get motivated.I am instead drinking wine and listening to heavy metal.( Right now the lyrics are saying'If you were dead or alive, I don't care, just gonna leave it all behind'...rather apt for my mood, but I really am not that kind of person in real life, Just kind of hard to explain to people that I am spiritual and do care but like heavy rock...hmmm. In fact I care so much it is painful, about people, about the state of the planet and the way this world is) After travelling so much in my past the packing is done in the head. Ie, I am thinking about things I need to take at random intervals, I am not writing them down as that would be for sissies, so I think about various things I need to take, What in reality happens is that I take far too much, half won't be used and forget things that I really should have taken. I am used to that bit now and should really resist that last minute 'throw just one more pair of everything in since we got room' move. I know better, I am a travelling veteran and yet I still do it every time. It is though my very proud things to announce that I will pack Monday night in 30 minutes. Women normally take days to do that. especially for 2 week break. Why bother, do it slow or fast you are gonna forget something, no matter how hard you think, how ever many lists you write and all that stuff that some English women iron will look like the iron wasn't even invented by the time they pull it out from the bags at the destination.

Let me give you Miia's special tip, take it from a woman who has lived and worked in 11 different countries and at one point lived out of 2 suitcases for 4 years living in hotels due to my work...what you need is 80% of your clothes need to be stuff that don't need ironing. Keep buying stuff that really does not need it. OMG and yes, I have met women who iron underwear and jeans. WTF??? WHYYYY? you love ironing that much? Get a life. I mean REALLY...get a life, do anything, just do jumping jacks if nothing else comes to mind. Apparently it is the best form of exercises in the world as it gives the entire body hell of a workout. But then again who wants to do jumping jacks all the time. And this brings me to the point, why would you want to spend 3rd of your life ironing your frikking underwear? Really do get a grip ladies in the nicest way.

As for rest of the travelling tips...when I close the door and I am about to lock it to go for good I check few things: Wallet and passport and tickets. Rest can be bought but missing one of those 3 causes some real shit that you really don't wanna deal with. Just 3 things, Simple. Rest is easily organised.

Do I ever buy a travel insurance...No. I would if I was going outside Europe but can't see the point when inside Europe. I have flown approximately 250  times in last 20 years and have never needed it. I have always got free medical attention, always had lost luggage delivered to where it should do. So if we call that insurance for example measly £10 per flight, I have saved £2500. This in dollars for my American audiences is $3900 and for my Europeans 3200 euros.

So I guess I can have one disaster. Not that I will. But I could. So fuck it.

I feel very anti-social right now. I have not spoken a single word in last 12 hours since leaving work at midday. Very strange. Probably good since I have been on a Very foul mood. But makes me think that entire world could end and I would not be informed. Hmm. I think this is only due to the fact that I spend my entire working day talking and this week I have been on the phone or talking to friends face to face every single evening so this is rather peculiar.

Cigarettes: 0 and has been for weeks and weeks and weeks....
Music: shit loads.
Alter Bridge, Nickleback, Nirvana, The Offspring, Rains, The 69 Eyes, Fall Out Boy, The soup Dragons.
The dancy bit while doing nails>
Basement Jaxx, Trains, Guary & Clayton, Katy Perry, Alexandra Stan, Yello (jungle Bill, oh yeahhhh) Moves like Jagger by Maroon 5 and good ol Christina,  Tequila by ALT & The lost civilisation, Beyonce, Donna Summer and so on and on.
At work on Internet radio: Radio Nova with some finn pop.
Muchos music today.
Upset customers: 1
Level of being pissed off: 100% (bonkers as I am soon off on holiday, I know. Just a moaning bitch)
Food: Yeah still eating like a little piggy, eating things in technicolour is great, I feel and taste the frikking rainbow, I swear! Right now I am munching on second almond croissant of the day....let's not mention the rest. I have discovered if you close your eyes when you're eating. it even intensifies the flavour and makes you concentrate on it and enjoy it slower. If I can only get this to apply to fruit and veg...LOL

1 comment:

  1. Forgot Apocalyptica from the music list :) You are my heroine, keep going, you've got so far already! But I agree in 3 weeks you'd expect it to be easier.


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