Sunday 22 July 2012

Day 21 - Nailing it or having a cigarette. I'll nail it.

I was just looking at my traffic to this blog and seems North America and Alaska are highest up on the visitors. That's fantastic considering I am from Finland and wring this from the UK. Hello guys!!!!If you compare this world 20 years ago, it would just not have been physically possible. I love technology. And nails. Oh I haven't told you all that my hobby for pretty much the duration of the various quit attempts has been nail art. (The male readers may jump the next post where the will be plenty of moaning a bitching and swearwords and not too much about nails)

It all started with a Lithuanian friend who likes to make nail art rather than paying 20-30 pounds, dollars, euros, whatever once a week she figred it is not that hard. So I got her to do mine every now and then. Then I thought it is not that hard really and I started trying. It is now 3 years later, I have made some that were not great and others that were frikking awsome. Here is a few pics for you>
Free hand of course....none of this sticker malarky....we want to make it hard!

And then we got konad nail art set to try in our boredom and my withdraw symptoms>

now it is supposed to be really easy to do, it is fucking not, that took absolutely hours to get right. Just the stamping is not as easy as they tell you in the ads. Other rather pathetic attempt of it is here and after that me or Dana could just not have bothered any more, it is that shit. The end result is great but man, the shit is shit to do and wipe off and redo umpteen times to get it like this. So yeah, save your pennies and forget konad...not worth the £40 that we spent on a kit.

Anyhow, that was 1.5 years ago when I quit last time. 2 weeks ago I saw this sponge/gradient thing nails. So I got interested. So I saw a video and thoughts that really is the easiest piece of piss to get great looking nails. So here is the first trial last weekend>

Added couple of dots of gold glitter and Bob really was one's uncle.

So I took that off last night and as I am going to Finland on holiday in Tuesday it was time to create holiday nails using the sponge/gradient method. This just in as from 1 hour ago>

And now I realise rather than being smoking/quitting blog it has turned into nails. No doubt girls like it, so what I will just carry on writing this evenings entry as man friendy...Just thought I shoukd share this with the ladies. It is the things you do to occypy your time when you want a fag....It is difficult to dig out a fag and light it when you nails are wet :D

That was my thinking behind the hobby anyhow....

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