Friday 6 July 2012

Random brain vomit

Still not had a cigarette...Seems I have to keep writing today to keep the cigarettes at bay!

But Ok now I have spent far too much time on my own, I am having entire conversations in my head and laughing at my own jokes. This is not something I normally do, but tonight I have quite literally been doing the LOL and the PMSL. Most of the time people use those to comment on stuff while they sit there stony faced. I was just doing it...all by myself, at random thougts in my head.
They did say that you get crazy dreams with Champix and I have to say the nightly showtime has been most awsome. But laughing at voices in your head? But I was having fun, so guess that counts? Right? RIGHT???

Once of the very randoms thoughts lately was about how this bloke got police storming into his house when he had posted something on his facebook about bombing everyone because he was having a bad day. At that point I told myself best be carefull about saying something stupid like planning on murdering the Queen or bombing the Olympics or I will have the Swat team here in no time. OMG. I have just said it. This nicotine withdrawal really makes me do stupid stuff!

So if the security in this country really is as good as it should be, then visits to my blog should now explode while various MI5 and/or MI6 agents read every single line I have published and check my entire life, friends, ex boyfriends and then within 24 hours I would be in some cell for some form of questioning. (hah, would not feel so lonesome then would I?) I should also get a very slow look from the passport control when I try to fly to Finland in few weeks for a holiday. And yet I am perfectly normal person talking loads of rubbish just because I have just stopped smoking. One of the laughing attacks was me thinking how god damn bored these MI5 agents would be after researching all that and realising how boring and normal my life really is, for example in comparison to theirs, or just about anybodys for that matter!

And how damn handy it would be to have MI5 keeping surveillance on my house for a while since someone did try and break into my very home this week as mentioned on a previous post!

All this thought process sort of started in my head from hearing from a dear friend who has been suddenly stormed by police this week in one scandinavian country and thrown in prison for 60 hours, bruised and mobile phone broken. Without going to any of the details further, this person had done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever, was manhandled quite roughly and then was released once the police did realise their mistake. This incident and the behaviour of the police in question was totally disgusting and uneccessary considering the reason behind the arrest would not even have warranted any violence or rough handling whatsoever, and we are talking about a very petite, sophisticated lady here. Just hope she can get over the ordeal and put it behind her. But once you have a shock like that, it is not something you will very quickly forgive and forget.

And just to create some exitement in life, I will soon find out if I should receive similar sort of fate in the good old UK now that I have said things one should never say publicly, no matter how nicotine deprived one was!

Moving swiftly on, randomness of different kind... I have been watching some of these very young finnish teenagers posting all these 'Press like button and I will list 5 things I like about you, or I will list all the boys who press like in cuteness order, or I will tell you what I think about you' sort of things on facebook and they seem to be having great fun doing it and a big group of kids is taking part and so on and forth. And then I am looking at the statuses of some english teenagers around same age and it is all effin, blinding, drinking, calling people names, having arguments publicly on facebook and I am thinking my god what a totally 2 different planets the similar age teenagers live in. They should do teenage swap between the 2 countries for a week or two, now there's a reality show I would watch and it would be damn entertaining!

Also I was wondering what my dogs feel about this, now that I can smell how bad smokers really stink again, makes me wonder what the dogs with sense of smell so much keener than a normal human being are thinking of me now that I stink far less. Are they worried as their companion smells completely different, are they glad I smell better? If they could talk what would they say?

So as you see, some real random stupid thoughts, either down to my withdrawal or Champix or just vivid imagination, not sure which yet.

I am looking forward meeting some new people and some old friends this coming weekend tho, maybe socialising a bit will get me out of this bubble called my head.

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